Title : Pasta (K-Drama) (2010)
Hardsubbed or Softsubbed: Hardsub
Indonesia Subtitles: Yes
Number of Episodes: 1-20
Summary: “Pasta” covers the dreams and success of a young woman who aspires to become an elite chef at La Sfera restaurant. Seo Yoo Kyung started her career as a kitchen assistant at La Sfera restaurant. She eventually works her way up to become a chef. Choi Hyun Wook is the top chef at La Sfera restaurant. He studied the culinary arts in Italy and started out as a chef assistant at a hotel in Sicily. Hyun Wook eventually worked his way up to become the most widely recognized Italian chef in Korea.
Episode 1
Episdoe 2
Episode 3
Episdoe 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episdoe 11
Episdoe 12
Episode 13
Episdoe 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Epsidoe 20 END
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Subtitle Indonesia ep 15
Subtitle Indonesia ep 16
Subtitle Indonesia ep 17
Subtitle Indonesia ep 18
Subtitle Indonesia ep 19
Subtitle Indonesia ep 20